CUSTOM "Made to Size" Rental
NEW OPTION! You now have the opportunity to fully customize a suit but at a more affordable price. The suit will be kept and used as a rental. However, you get to decide every detail of the suit and on top of that the rental will be made to your size. No one is able to book it until after your show date and allows you to rock a brand new suit at your show!
***This option is only available for one order per month and books fast!
Suit details you get to decide on:
- Fabric color
- Rhinestone design
- Rhinestone colors
- Made to your size
- Cup style preference
PRICE- $475+ shipping
Payment options...
- Paypal ($500 with shipping and fees)
***buy now button
- Venmo ($485 with shipping and no fees)
- Apple Pay ($485 with shipping and no fees)
*** $107.50 per additional show